Review published in Pharmacological Research

Review published in Pharmacological Research

Members of our group have published a systematic review of recent clinical trials of new antifibrotic drugs with the aim of determining the most promising options and the feasibility of extending their therapeutic value as antifibrotic agents to other fibrotic conditions.

Predoctoral researcher position on “Hepatic stellate cell-directed crosstalk in liver fibrosis: mechanisms and therapeutic targets” 

Predoctoral researcher position on “Hepatic stellate cell-directed crosstalk in liver fibrosis: mechanisms and therapeutic targets” 

We are looking for a highly motivated predoctoral fellow to join our research group within the Digestive and Inflammatory Pharmacology Unit at the University of Valencia, in Valencia, Spain (for more information, visit  The predoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to work in a highly motivated, collaborative and translational research group led by Dr. Ana Blas-García ( and Dr. Nadezda Apostolova ( The fellow will develop a PhD project focused on the study of the hepatic stellate cell-directed crosstalk in liver fibrosis. Its main objective is to characterize the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the progression and regression of this disease and identify new pharmacological targets for its […]

Se busca candidato para realizar tesis doctoral con posibilidad de solicitar ayudas predoctorales nacionales y de la Comunidad Valenciana

Se busca candidato para realizar tesis doctoral con posibilidad de solicitar ayudas predoctorales nacionales y de la Comunidad Valenciana

Condiciones del contrato: 1 año a tiempo completo con financiación al cargo del proyecto de investigación vigente. Se ofrece la posibilidad de realizar una tesis doctoral para la que avalaríamos el/la investigador(a) en convocatorias públicas pedir contratos predoctorales. REQUISITOS: 1) Haber obtenido un título de grado expedido por una universidad española o extranjera con posterioridad al 1 de enero de 2020. 2) estar admitido en un programa de doctorado o cursando postgrado universitario oficial que da acceso al mismo. 3) Acreditar una nota media mínima ponderada en su expediente académico de grado de 8. El candidato se incorporaría a la Unidad de Farmacología Digestiva e Inflamatoria (más información en […]